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Senior Café

Senior Community Café is a program that offers nutritionally balanced, low-cost lunches to mobile Seniors and a few other eligible groups.

Community Cafés are held at a variety of sites including senior centers or churches. Besides providing a hot meal, Community Café luncheons give attendees the chance to socialize, enjoy the stimulation of conversation and be part of the community. Senior Café asks a donation of $4.00 per meal to help cover costs. The individual meals provided at Senior Café and also by Meals On Wheels must supply recipients with at least one-third of their daily recommended dietary allowances. They are cooked to take into account special senior nutrition considerations. New Opportunities enables Senior Cafés at numerous locations throughout Greater Waterbury. All Seniors age 60 or older, regardless of income, are welcome to participate in and enjoy the nutritious and very appetizing meals. Others eligible to join in this program include:

  • The spouse of a Senior, regardless of the spouse’s age
  • Disabled persons under the age of 60 who either live in housing facilities where Senior Cafés are offered or who accompany Seniors to the meal sites
  • Senior Café volunteers

For more information call Senior Nutrition Services at (203) 757-7738 or email