Agency Customer Profile
- 51,821 people benefitted from CAA services
- 23,836 households benefitted from CAA services
NOI provided service to over 12.1% of entire Service Area Population. This means that 1 in 8 people in our 27 town region were touched by NOI services.
Top 5 Towns Served in NOI Service area by percentage of Total Population Served:
- Waterbury – 38.6%
- Meriden – 22.9%
- Torrington – 10.3%
- Winchester – 7.5%
- Naugatuck – 5%
Race and Ethnicity for NOI Customers:
- 70% - Caucasian;
- 20% - African American;
- 10% - Multi-race

Household Breakdown
- 31% of Households had at least 1 adult working
- 29% of Households were supported by Social Security Income
- 31% of Households are living on a total household income that is less than 100% of the federal poverly level
Outcome Highlights by Service Category
Employment and Training
- 176 Youth worked in summer employment gaining work experience and job skills.
- 20 people were employed/trainned through the Hydroponic Center.
Financial Literacy and Asset Development
- $672,510 in earned income, and child tax credits obtained by customers receiving tax preparation services
- 74 people increased their savings through opening and/or maintaining IDA accounts
- 4 people assisted in purchasing their 1st home and received matched savings in addition to homebuyer education and counseling
Early Childhood Programs
- 399 children demonstrated skills for school readiness
- 85 preschool age children achieving at basic grade level and are prepared for kindergarten
- 17 infant and toddler spots were added to the program to allow more families access to early educaiton
Housing and Shelter Services
- 239 households experiencing homelessness obtain safe temporary shelter
- 295 people obtained safe and affordable housing
- 463 people avoided eviction
Energy Assistance
- 50,031 individuals avoided heat utility termination through LIHEAP energy assistance
Nutrition Services
- 18,835 people obtained food assistance services.
- 748,872 meals served
Health and Well-being
- 2000 homebound people recevied home delivered meals.
- 2425 people received emergency supplies from the food pantry