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Elder Services

Foster Grandparents Program

The Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) is federally funded by AmeriCorps Seniors, an agency that improves lives, fosters civic engagement, and strengthens communities through volunteering and meaningful service. The FGP is sponsored locally by New Opportunities, Inc.

Foster Grandparents serve as role models and provide individualized attention to children with special needs who require assistance with reading, writing & math, building social skills, and more. Volunteers work with paid teaching staff in schools and childcare centers in Waterbury and the Central Naugatuck Valley.
Foster Grandparent activities may include:

  • Tutoring and Reading
  • Playing games and making crafts
  • Acting as a role model
  • Listening and talking
  • Comforting a child
  • Assisting a child with meals and snacks

To serve in the FGP, you must be age 55 or older, pass a background check, and be able to work at least five hours per week. Volunteers who meet income guidelines receive a small tax-free stipend and travel reimbursements. Volunteers also receive training, a meal or snack at their site, supplemental accident & liability insurance while on duty, and, most important, the joy of making a difference in a child's life!

Why be a Foster Grandparent?

Now, more than ever, children need adults like you to help them achieve their potential.


"When you share your love, time, and experience, you have the power to help a child who needs you."
~ Foster Grandparent Sharon P.


Contact us for more information:
Foster Grandparent Program
New Opportunities, Inc. 232 N. Elm Street, 3rd Floor Waterbury, CT 06702

Foster Grandparents Program Offered in these Towns

Foster Grandparents Program

Bishop House


CHORE In-Home Services

Connection "Conexión"

Diaper Bank - Adult

Emergency Response System (Voice-Care)

Foster Grandparents Program

Meals on Wheels

Money Management Program

New Opportunities Inc., AmeriCorps Senior Companion Program

Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)

Senior Café

Senior Dine

Diaper Bank

Operation Pantry

Volunteer Income Tax Preparation (VITA)

Assurance 16

CT Energy Assistance Program

Utility Mediation

CARES (Center for Advanced Rehabilitative Employment Services)

Connecticut Manufacturing Assistance Center

Early Childhood Education

School Readiness

Building Healthy Communities

Case Management

Family Development Center


Project Longevity

SNAP Outreach

CT Rapid Re-Housing

CT Rapid Re-Housing - Domestic Violence

Freedom Walk

Meriden Supportive Housing

New Beginning Emergency Shelter and Hospitality Services

North Square Gateway

Rental Assistance