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Elder Services

Connection "Conexión"

The Conexión Program is a restaurant program surrounded by services to foster an environment that contributes to happiness, healthy achievements and overall socialization. We work with local restaurants to develop menus that are affordable and healthy. Various programs and services will be offered monthly in the downtown Waterbury area through established community partners.

Conexión promotes socialization and independence while catering to your nutritional needs. The program is available to Downtown Waterbury residents aged 60 or over. There is no income eligibility requirement to join.


Our Services:

Enjoy a nutritious restaurant meal daily
Arts & Crafts
Intercultural learning
Educational classes
Financial management
Managing chronic conditions workshops
Nutritional cooking classes
…………. and much more

The Conexión Restaurant Program is sponsored by New Opportunities, Inc. This project was supported, in part by grant number 90INNU0037-01-00 from the Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

Connection "Conexión" Offered in these Towns

Connection "Conexión"

Bishop House


CHORE In-Home Services

Connection "Conexión"

Diaper Bank - Adult

Emergency Response System (Voice-Care)

Foster Grandparents Program

Meals on Wheels

Money Management Program

New Opportunities Inc., AmeriCorps Senior Companion Program

Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)

Senior Café

Senior Dine

Diaper Bank

Operation Pantry

Volunteer Income Tax Preparation (VITA)

Assurance 16

CT Energy Assistance Program

Utility Mediation

CARES (Center for Advanced Rehabilitative Employment Services)

Connecticut Manufacturing Assistance Center

Early Childhood Education

School Readiness

Building Healthy Communities

Case Management

Family Development Center


Project Longevity

SNAP Outreach

CT Rapid Re-Housing

CT Rapid Re-Housing - Domestic Violence

Freedom Walk

Meriden Supportive Housing

New Beginning Emergency Shelter and Hospitality Services

North Square Gateway

Rental Assistance