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Energy Services

CT Energy Assistance Program

Those who meet certain income-eligibility and geographic requirements may obtain help with their energy costs from one or more of the Energy Assistance programs administered by New Opportunities Inc.

Each request for aid is handled individually. A person’s application is reviewed by a skilled staff member who is familiar with the variety of programs available. This intake interviewer is specially trained to assess how best to help qualified applicant meet their energy needs in the most cost-effective way.

Energy Division representatives also serve as advocates for energy policies that can improve the situation of much of Connecticut’s low-income population. These efforts of staff and others have made a significant difference. For each of the past two heating seasons, more than 20,000 households received Energy Assistance from New Opportunities, Inc.

The following information is about how to apply for energy cost relief and offers descriptions of a sampling of Energy Assistance programs which are available.

About the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program

The federally-funded Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is designed to help low-income households pay their winter heating bills. CEAP is not meant to pay total heating costs. Households must plan to pay a part of the bill themselves. Yet with the help of CEAP, households may secure fuel service deliveries and defray their utility heating costs. For those whose heat is included in their rent, one-time financial assistance is available.

For eligible households the winter heating assistance pays for such heating sources as oil, natural gas, electricity, propane, kerosene, coal and wood. Individuals and families qualify for CEAP based on their gross annual income and household size. Any household with a gross annual income at or below 60% of the state median incomes has also provided all required documentation is deemed eligible for this program. In addition, households are categorically income eligible if a household member participates in one or more of the following programs: Temporary Family Assistance (TFA); State Supplemental to the Aged, Blind and Disabled (State Supp); Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA); Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP); Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Applications for CEAP are being accepted from September through May. Benefits are available only until the annual allotment of funds runs out. Although CEAP is overseen by the CT Department of Social Services (DSS), it is administered by New Opportunities Inc. in all towns which are included in its service area.

For more information, call the Energy Division at (203) 756-8151 in Waterbury, (203) 235-0278 in Meriden, , (860) 496-0622 in Torrington and 860-738-9138 in Winsted.

About Operation Fuel

Operation Fuel provides emergency energy bill assistance to lower and middle income working families, needy elderly, the disabled and others in the midst of a financial crisis, such as a job loss or a medical emergency. The organization targets those who have exhausted federal benefits and programs and helps prevent residents from having their utility or heating service terminated due to lack of payment.

As a further protection, advocates for this vulnerable population have helped enact the current state moratorium which prohibits energy shut-offs between November 1 and May 1 for those considered a hardship based on gross income.

Operation Fuel is funded by donations from electric and gas companies that have at least 75,000 customers. In their monthly bills these companies now include a request for each customer to add a dollar donation to the bill payment. These funds, as well as a contribution from the state, are then distributed to appropriate agencies by Operation Fuel. The state legislature has committed to keep Operation Fuel running and provide additional funds as needed.

For more information, call 2-1-1 from a CT Phone number.

How to Apply for Energy Assistance

The primary goal of Energy Assistance is to keep households warm and safe during the winter months . The Energy Division helps income-eligible people who have difficulty paying the cost of heating their homes by providing vendor payments for their home heating. Energy Assistance staff also determines how its services can be utilized to lower their clients’ energy costs. Income guidelines change yearly and are based on the state/national poverty level.

Effective April 22, 2022, applicants can apply online using the following link:

In addition to online applications, applicants can also apply in person or over the phone. An outreach visit is available for the homebound elderly or physically disabled. Along with offices located in Waterbury, Meriden and Torrington, intake sites are located in a number of towns. Applicants for Energy Assistance are required to provide the following information:

  • Proof of income for all household members

Households are categorically income eligible if a household member participates in one or more of the following programs: Temporary Family Assistance (TFA); State Supplemental to the Aged, Blind and Disabled (State Supp); Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA); Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP); Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Households can be determined categorically eligible if they are receiving SNAP benefits [Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program ]

  • Everyone applying for energy assistance, regardless of their primary heat source provide a copy of their electric bill.
  • Households heating with natural gas must provide a copy of their heating bill
  • Renters must show copies of their rent receipts or lease.

Payments will be made directly to the heating vendor on the household’s behalf.

For more information or to make an appointment, call the Energy Division at (203) 756-8151 in Waterbury, (203) 235-0278 in Meriden , 860-496-0622 in Torrington and 860-738-9138 in Winsted.

CT Energy Assistance Program Offered in these Towns

CT Energy Assistance Program

Bishop House


CHORE In-Home Services

Connection "Conexión"

Diaper Bank - Adult

Emergency Response System (Voice-Care)

Foster Grandparents Program

Meals on Wheels

Money Management Program

New Opportunities Inc., AmeriCorps Senior Companion Program

Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)

Senior Café

Senior Dine

Diaper Bank

Operation Pantry

Volunteer Income Tax Preparation (VITA)

Assurance 16

CT Energy Assistance Program

Utility Mediation

CARES (Center for Advanced Rehabilitative Employment Services)

Connecticut Manufacturing Assistance Center

Early Childhood Education

School Readiness

Building Healthy Communities

Case Management

Family Development Center


Project Longevity

SNAP Outreach

CT Rapid Re-Housing

CT Rapid Re-Housing - Domestic Violence

Freedom Walk

Meriden Supportive Housing

New Beginning Emergency Shelter and Hospitality Services

North Square Gateway

Rental Assistance